Anne Arundel Dermatology

Staggering Statistics That Will Keep You Out of a Tanning Bed

35% of American adults, 59% of college students and 17% of teens have reported using a tanning bed in their lifetime. Many people believe that using a tanning bed is safer than tanning outside. Unfortunately, that’s untrue. Indoor tanning exposes you to UV rays, the cause of most skin cancer. No tan is a safe tan and just because a tanning bed is controlled doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk.

READ THIS: More people develop skin cancer from indoor tanning than develop lung cancer from smoking.

Now here are other statistics that will keep you from visiting the tanning salon:

Be smart. Protect yourself by avoiding tanning beds and sunlamps. The long-term risks aren’t worth it.

And if you’ve used tanning beds or sunlamps in the past, click here to request an appointment for a skin exam. 



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