Anne Arundel Dermatology

Which Psoriasis Treatment is Right for You?

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Psoriasis is a common skin condition that can lead to irritation, itching, flaking of skin and discomfort. Approximately eight million people in the United States are affected by psoriasis, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

If you are suffering from psoriasis, you are probably aware that there is currently no cure. However the good news is that there are many different treatment options available to help you manage your symptoms.

Topical Psoriasis Treatments

Many people with limited psoriasis are able to effectively manage their symptoms using creams and lotions that are applied to the skin. In more extensive cases, however, phototherapy or systemic medications may be more appropriate (more on that in a moment).

Common topical psoriasis treatments include:

Phototherapy Psoriasis Treatments

Phototherapy involves the exposure of skin to certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light. This type of treatment can be performed at a dermatologist’s office or at home using a specialized device. Consistency is key when it comes to phototherapy treatment.

Ultraviolet B (UVB) is a component of natural sunlight that slows the growth of skin cells affected by psoriasis. When treating with UVB light, your skin will be exposed to an artificial UVB light source on a treatment schedule developed by your doctor.

UVB can also be used in combination with other systemic or topical agents to improve its effectiveness. When used with systemic therapies, UVB can become dramatically more effective, even allowing you to use lower doses of your systemic medications.

Psoralen + UVA light (PUVA) – Unlike UVB light, UVA light is relatively ineffective unless it is used in conjunction with a photo-sensitizing medication called psoralen.

Excimer laser is another form of phototherapy that can be used in the treatment of psoriasis. This is a hand held form of Narrowband UVB light that can be used to treat targeted areas of psoriasis, particularly on the scalp.

Oral and Injected Psoriasis Treatments

When your psoriasis is severe or resistant to certain forms of treatment, you may be prescribed oral or injected medications.

If you’re tired of living with uncontrolled psoriasis symptoms, the experts at Anne Arundel Dermatology can help. Click here to schedule an appointment.

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