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For every $750 or more spent, receive 1 raffle entry to win a prize. New patients
receive an additional raffle entries. One prize winner drawn every week.
For every $750 or more spent, receive 1 raffle entry to win a prize. New patients
receive an additional raffle entries. One prize winner drawn every week.
For every $750 or more spent, receive 1 raffle entry to win a prize. New patients
receive an additional raffle entries. One prize winner drawn every week.
This raffle is open to new and existing patients. To be eligible for entry, all patients entering must request services totaling to $750 for (1) raffle entry. Limited appointment availability, first come, first served. This promotion will end and not extend beyond 12.22.21
(spend $750 to enter)
(Buy 3 treatments to enter)
(spend $750 to enter)
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