What Are Chemical Peels?
If you’re looking for a way to reduce the appearance of facial acne scarring, pigmentation, or other blemishes or marks, a chemical peel can rejuvenate your skin and give you a fresh look. Chemical peels can alleviate and treat the appearance of acne, fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, age spots, and melasma.
How are chemical peels used?
The precise formulas in peels vary and the type utilized is personally adjusted to meet each patient’s needs. For example, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a medium depth peel, which can eliminate brown spots and help to even out textural irregularities on the face and neck. Downtime is usually around 7 days.
Glycolic acid peels are referred to as lunchtime peels. These are excellent peels to treat mask of pregnancy and fine wrinkling.
Finally, beta-hydroxy-acid peels are used to improve acne blemishes. These are wonderful peels for our teenage patients and can be combined with acne facials and/or microdermabrasion treatments.
Are there other procedures that can be used simultaneously with chemical peels?
Yes, sometimes we will perform neurotoxin (Botox™) treatments or filler treatments to reduce fine lines around the forehead, cheek, eye, and lip areas. Combination approaches can enhance your overall cosmetic results. CO2 laser or IPL treatments can also be used to reduce acne scars and blood vessels. Downtime is minimal.
What are the preparation instructions for chemical peeling?
Before getting a chemical peel, some patients need to follow a pre-peel skin care plan for 2-4 weeks. This plan can improve results and reduce potential side effects. Your medical professional will tell you if this is necessary.
Typically, we ask that you discontinue the use of retinoic and glycolic acid products for 3 to 4 days before your peel. In addition, we will prescribe an antiviral medication that is taken 1 day before your procedure. It is also wise to avoid intense sunlight right before and after your peel.
How much discomfort can I expect?
There is minimal discomfort with this treatment.
You might feel a mild stinging while the chemical solution is on your skin. If you are getting a medium chemical peel, you may feel stinging or burning for up to 20 minutes.
A topical anesthetic is all that is used. This is applied for 30 to 60 minutes on the treatment area(s) in order to numb them. If you are anxious, we can prescribe anti-anxiety medication. Pain usually is described as a moderate sunburn, which can easily be controlled with ice packs and NSAIDS, e.g. ibuprofen.
What can I expect following the treatment?
Your skin will be red. Redness usually resolves within a matter of hours or days. After the redness disappears, scaling may develop, which lasts 3-7 days.
How quickly will I recover?
This depends on the type of chemical peel that you get. It can range anywhere from 1-7 days.
What about post-op care?
All peels require some at-home care. You should use the moisturizer as directed to keep your skin moist and supple. If your skin burns, itches or swells, contact your medical professional. Do not use a tanning bed or other type of indoor tanning.
It is important to stay out of intense sun for at least one week after your treatment and to wear proper sunscreen. After your skin heals, apply sunscreen every day to maintain results. We will initiate post peel regimen for you, which will expedite the recovery and healing process.
How long will the effects of the treatment last?
The benefits from chemical peeling can be seen for months, but most results are not permanent because our skin continues to age. Repeat treatments are sometimes required. This is determined on a case-by-case basis. In our experience, patient satisfaction with this procedure is extremely high.
How much does a chemical peel cost?
Because there is no one-size-fits-all chemical peel, price will vary depending on each patient’s customized peel solution. Cost will be discussed during your consultation.
What are the differences between chemical peels and facials?
Although the results of these two procedures can be very similar, they have some stark differences.
A chemical peel uses chemical solutions to strip the surface layer of cells away in order for a newer, healthier layer to return. A facial uses serums and products to clean pores, extract blackheads, and moisturize the skin.
Recovery time for a facial is little to none while a chemical peel may have some minimal side effects that require some time to recover. This recovery time will depend largely on the type of chemical peel received. A light chemical peel will require less recovery time than a deep peel.
To determine which is best for you, schedule a custom skin evaluation from our licensed estheticians.
Visit Anne Arundel Dermatology Group
Our team provides thoughtful, expert care for all your skin health needs. We are proud to offer the most advanced general, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions.