5 Things you Never Knew about Acne – Acne Awareness Month
June 28th, 2018
By Anne Arundel Dermatology
June is National Acne Awareness Month! Did you know that acne is the most common skin condition in the United States? Even though 85% of young adults have experienced acne, here are a few things you might not have known:
- Acne can pop up during any stage of life. Adult acne has even been found to be increasing, with up to 15% of women claiming to be affected by acne past just their teen years.
- While tanning in the sun or in a tanning bed is extremely harmful to your skin and increases your risk of melanoma, it has also been found to make acne worse. As if we needed another reason to avoid tanning, it can increase your skin’s oil production and contribute to the acne cycle.
- There is such a thing as washing your face too much. Overwashing can cause irritation and will disturb the skin’s natural ability to produce the correct amount of oil it needs to stay healthy.
- While the jury is still out on whether or not diet affects acne, some dermatologists do suggest that certain foods can trigger acne outbreaks. These foods include pasta, white bread, white rice, and sugar, to name just a few.
- Acne can be caused by many factors. Changing hormone levels, genetics, make-up, or taking certain medicines are just a few examples! Everyone’s skin is different, which is why acne is a difficult condition to tackle.
If you are suffering from chronic acne, we always recommend seeing a clinician who will be able to assess its severity, discuss its possible sources, and work with you to discover the right treatment for your skin.
To set up an appointment, click here!