Anne Arundel Dermatology > Skincare Awareness Month: Inspect Your Skin

Skincare Awareness Month: Inspect Your Skin

September 2nd, 2022
By Anne Arundel Dermatology

Young female face with freckles Skincare Awareness Month with text "Skincare Awareness Month. Inspect Your Skin"

Keeping up a good skin care routine takes time and dedication, and it’s easy to get lax about it now that the kids are back in school and summer is drawing to a close. For these reasons and several others, September is the ideal time for National Skin Care Month to help you continue taking great care of your skin this fall and all year.

The Need for Sun Safety Never Takes a Season Off

People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that they don’t need to be as careful about protecting their skin from the sun’s rays once summer ends. This simply isn’t true, and it might surprise you to learn that the sun moves closer to the earth from mid-summer to mid-winter.

Even though it doesn’t feel as hot outside, the potential for skin cancer and other types of sun damage still exists in the fall, winter, and spring. Be sure to continue using sunscreen if you are outdoors for an extended time and take other precautions, such as wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.

Remember Skin Care for Your Entire Body, Not Just Your Face

Your neck, chest, arms, and legs can receive just as much sun exposure as your face, so be sure to include sunscreen, body cleanser, and moisturizer as part of your daily routine. The ideal time to use moisturizing cream is when you step out of the shower and pat yourself dry with a towel. And don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen throughout the day.

Schedule an Annual Skin Exam

Sometimes it can be hard to notice subtle changes in your skin that could indicate a potential medical issue. One common example is moles that change shape or scabs that don’t heal as symptoms of skin cancer. Pre-cancerous skin lesions are also common.

People don’t always detect problems with their skin because lesions, cysts, and other changes can develop at such a slow rate over time that growth remains unnoticeable. There are also several areas of your skin that you cannot see, such as the back of your neck and the top of your scalp.

Having a dermatologist inspect your skin is the best way to detect potential problem spots and ensure early treatment. Remember that skin cancer is highly treatable when detected before it has had the opportunity to spread to internal organs.

Consider Cosmetic Skin Treatments This Fall

Setting up an appointment for body sculpting, chemical peels, lasers or other cosmetic dermatology procedures is ideal for this time of year. The sun’s rays are less intense, which can reduce healing time if you spend a lot of time outdoors. This is also true for therapies that reduce the visible signs of aging caused by sun exposure, such as Botox.

Contact Us to Schedule a Skin Check or Cosmetic Procedure

Anne Arundel Dermatology operates more than 100 dermatology practices on the East Coast for the convenience of our patients. Schedule your next appointment today with our skilled dermatology professionals and make your skin health a top priority during National Skin Care Month and always.

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