What is KYBELLA™?
FDA approved KYBELLA™ injections are the first FDA approved non-surgical treatment for submental fullness or fat known as the “double chin” which is typically genetically inherited. Kybella injections are administered into the fat under the chin causing the destruction of the fat cells. Once destroyed fat cells can no longer accumulate or store fat. With as little as two treatments, patients report visible improvement in the appearance and contour of their neck.
Did you know that people are just as bothered by under-the-chin fullness as they are by lines and wrinkles around and under their eyes? If you are in that 68% tile of people that say they are bothered by their under-the-chin fullness or double chin then come see us today!
The company that makes Kybella was acquired by Allergan, so Allergan’s Allē Rewards includes Kybella.
How It Works
KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called “double chin.”
When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA® permanently destroys fat cells. Your body’s natural metabolism then processes the fat cleared from the treatment area. Once the fat cells are gone, you’re left with a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down fat.
KYBELLA® is administered over a series of sessions tailored by your doctor to improve your profile. Whether you have a moderate amount of fat under your chin—or a bit more—ask your doctor if KYBELLA® is right for you.
How do I know if I am a good candidate?
If you are bothered by the appearance of submental fullness or your “double chin”
What are common side effects of Kybella?
Temporary Swelling, bruising, pain, numbness and/or redness in the treatment areas. The discomfort typically lasts about 15 minutes after treatment and then quickly diminishes to a mild tenderness. Most of the common side effects reduce quickly, but swelling may last for several weeks.
There are uncommon and more annoying side effects such as nerve irritation.
When can I start to see results?
Results may be seen quickly, but continue to improve for months. Most of the fat reduction occurs in the first 6-12 weeks although sometimes secondary skin tightening may continue for several more months.
How many treatments do I need?
Many patients experience visible contouring of their chin profile in two to four treatment sessions spaced at least one month apart. Up to 6 treatments may be administered.
How much does this treatment cost?
This varies widely and depends on the size of the area to be treated as well as the amount of fat – as these two factors determine the number of vials of Kybella that are used.
What alternative treatments are available?
CoolSculpting– Coolmini is FDA approved to treat submental fat, or double chin, with their clincally proven technology that freezes unwanted fat. Coolmini uses the same cryolipolisis technology as regular Coolsculpting to freeze and destroy fat cells.
Before and After




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