Anne Arundel Dermatology Welcomes The David H. McDaniel M.D. Laser & Cosmetic Center
Anne Arundel Dermatology is pleased to announce that the David H. McDaniel M.D. Laser & Cosmetic Center in Virginia Beach, VA is now an affiliate of Anne Arundel Dermatology. We hold Dr. David McDaniel’s expertise and integrity in high regard and are thrilled that he is joining the Anne Arundel Dermatology family.
David McDaniel, M.D. is the center’s director and has over 25 years cosmetic dermatology and cosmetic laser surgery experience. His expertise and attention to detail have brought patients from around the country for treatments as well as doctors around the world for training. Dr. McDaniel directs the cosmetic dermatology fellowship program at the center, which is accredited through the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.
Along with the Laser & Cosmetic Center, Dr. David McDaniel is also involved in research and is the director of the McDaniel Institute of Anti-Aging Research. Dr. McDaniel consults for some of the major skin care companies in the world.
Dr. David McDaniel has been selected by his peers on multiple occasions to be included in The Best Doctors in America and has been involved in ground-breaking research for cosmeceutical companies.
We are looking forward towards our partnership with Dr. David McDaniel and his practice.