Increasing Awareness for Skin Cancer
We want to thank everyone for your help in making our Skin Cancer Awareness Month campaign extremely successful. With your assistance, our practice was able to spread the word about the importance of early detection and encourage people to get their skin checked.
Congratulations to our Quiz winners, Laurie B., Bonnie L. and Cynthia R. Over 380 participants completed our Skin Cancer Quiz, which covered the basics of when to reapply sunscreen, what to wear when people are in the sun and what demographic is most at risk for skin cancer. Over the next few weeks, we will post the questions and answers on Facebook to continue to educate our Facebook community about the risks of skin cancer.
There is nothing more powerful than hearing the stories of people who have dealt with skin cancer themselves or with their family and friends. 29 amazing people shared their journeys and explained the impact that early detection had on their experience. Congratulations to Kristie B., Charlotte V., and Paul W. Please visit our Facebook page to read all of the inspirational stories we received and share them with everyone you know to encourage them to get checked.
If you have not had your skin checked recently, contact us on our website or call 443-351-DERM (3376) to make an appointment. It could save your life!