Anne Arundel Dermatology > SkinTyte vs. CoolSculpting: Know the difference

SkinTyte vs. CoolSculpting: Know the difference

July 16th, 2019
By Anne Arundel Dermatology

What is SkinTyte?

SkinTyte is a non-invasive treatment used to treat skin laxity and sagging. The SkinTyte treatment offers fast, safe, and effective treatments tailored for all skin types with no downtime. SkinTyte uses advanced infrared light to deeply heat the skin while cooling and protecting the entire treated area. Since the SkinTyte treatment takes place deep under the surface of the skin, it is safe for year-round treatment. A topical anesthetic is not needed for a SkinTyte treatment, and regular activities can be resumed immediately following treatment. Since numbing cream is not needed, the energy is delivered in fast, gentle pulses to promote collagen production. This collagen production initiates the body’s natural healing process, leading to the appearance of firmer tissue.

Treatment areas include anywhere with loose or sagging skin that needs tightening. As people age, these areas tend to have more skin laxity. However, regardless of age from 20 and up, SkinTyte is the perfect treatment for rejuvenation or prejuvenation. SkinTyte yields best results when scheduled in a series of 4-6 treatments, 2-3 weeks apart.

What is CoolSculpting?

The CoolSculpting procedure eliminates stubborn fat safely and effectively, without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting is the only FDA-cleared procedure that uses controlled cooling to target and removes fat cells. CoolSculpting produces noticeable and lasting results. These results keep someone looking and feeling great from every angle.

CoolSculpting helps people who want to eliminate fat bulges in specific areas. The CoolSculpting procedure is not a weight loss solution (unlike weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass). People who choose CoolSculpting are usually patients that are looking for a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Good candidates for the CoolSculpting procedure have noticeable fat bulges in certain areas.

How does CoolSculpting SkinTyte work together?

When volume is removed during a CoolSculpting treatment, the loose skin surrounding the treatment area may need some extra attention. This is why SkinTyte is the perfect complement to a CoolSculpting treatment. SkinTyte deeply heats the skin to improves skin laxity and stimulate collagen growth. This combination of treatments is especially successful in areas such as the chin and submental, upper arms, and abdomen.

Morgan O’Kane, MS, CRNP, our Cosmetic Provider in Annapolis, MD, is now seeing patients for our new CoolTyte bundle. Call to schedule your appointment with Morgan O’Kane by calling 443-837-7770.

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