Winter Skincare Tips
It’s no secret that colder temps and the winter season wreak havoc on your skin. The heat you turn up to stay warm and toasty significantly dries out your skin and the frigid temperatures outside cause more dryness and cracking. To save your skin until you can crawl out of another wintery season, here are some tips to ensure you have happy and healthy skin heading into the spring and summer.
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize. It’s imperative that you find a moisturizing product that adds a protective layer to help keep the moisture in your skin. Be sure to apply lotion and moisturizers regularly to any part of your body that may interact with cold air. For a facial moisturizer, ensure you choose a non-pore clogging (noncomogenic) product so as not to cause breakouts.
Helping Hands. The skin on your hands is thinner and therefore more susceptible to dryness and cracking. Ensure you cover them up when heading outside with gloves or mittens and keep them well-moisturized.
Invest in a Humidifier. A humidifier rehydrates the air within your home and helps to keep your skin from drying out by redistributing the moisture evenly. Humidifiers are typically inexpensive and help to keep you and your skin healthy during the winter months.
Cut Showers Short. Long, hot showers, though relaxing and enjoyable, strip your skin of the natural oils that maintain your skin’s moisture. Help keep your skin’s natural defenses in check by shortening your showers and turning down the hot water.
The winter months are also a great opportunity to make an appointment with your dermatologist for an annual skin check-up. Make an appointment with any of the nine Anne Arundel Dermatology locations to ensure that your skin is happy, healthy and ready for the upcoming warmer seasons.