Anne Arundel Dermatology > Seasonal Allergies and Your Skin

Seasonal Allergies and Your Skin

April 18th, 2019
By Anne Arundel Dermatology

As the weather begins to change, bringing lots of light and warmth, your skin will begin to change with it. You may start to notice small differences from the warmer temperatures or that your sweat glands working overtime. However, did you know that your seasonal allergies also have an effect on your skin?

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Allergies are chronic and occur when the immune system sees a substance as harmful and overreacts to it. This causes individuals to experience a number of reactions, ranging from mild to fatal. Allergies are unique to individuals, meaning different people suffer from a different mix of allergies. It’s also possible to not suffer from allergies at all if you happen to be one of the lucky ones.

Commonly known as hay fever, seasonal allergies occur during different times of the year, like spring, summer, and fall. This is generally when plants pollinate, causing higher pollen counts in the air. They are different from normal allergies in the way that they only affect an individual at certain times of the year. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it is important to be aware of the ways they can cause new issues for your skin as well as irritating existing conditions.

Skin Conditions and Seasonal Allergies


Research shows a link between eczema and allergies. While eczema resembles an allergic reaction, it is not directly caused by allergies. However, allergies can cause flare-ups in those who suffer from the condition. Once you’ve come into contact with the allergen, your immune system starts to overreact which causes your skin to exhibit a reaction similar to that of eczema. Seasonal allergens include dust mites and pollen. A dermatologist can diagnose and treat symptoms associated with eczema.


Also known as urticaria, hives are caused by a number of different triggers and are symptomatic of red, raised and itchy patches of skin. Hives can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of weeks. One common trigger is an allergen coming into contact with the skin. Seasonal changes bring about higher counts of pollen, which means you are at a greater risk of coming in contact with a potential irritant.


Skin dryness is not directly caused by seasonal allergies but often occurs as one suffers from the adverse effects of allergies. Allergies can cause the nose to run and the eyes to water. This means that you may use tissues to wipe your nose more often than your sensitive facial skin can handle. Chapping and dryness around the nostrils can be uncomfortable and often painful. Some ways to avoid drying out the skin when your allergies are causing your nose to run is to use tissues with lotion, apply a salve regularly or even apply a layer of petroleum jelly to the area to keep the skin protected. Your dermatologist can recommend products specific to your skin type and needs.

Seasonal allergies can cause an array of new issues for skin and cause existing conditions to worsen. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, suffer from seasonal allergies or are seeing flairs ups of existing conditions, it is time to call your dermatologist.


The providers at Anne Arundel Dermatology can develop a treatment plan to help you fight back against season allergies and live in comfort. Call to make an appointment today at 443-351-3376 or visit our website.

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