Steps We Are Taking To Protect Our Patients
As medical professionals, we are trained to place the well-being and safety of our patients above all else, and that commitment to your health and safety is driving every decision we are making during this challenging time. We are closely monitoring all developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and we are strictly adhering to all guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and our local and state governments.
We encourage all patients to make informed decisions about their care. We pledge to be here to provide for the essential health care needs of all patients through this difficult time. For our patients age 65 and over, or patients with compromised immunity, we encourage you to consider how best to utilize our services and whether your health situation requires you to postpone dermatologic care. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
It is always our standard practice to follow strict infection control measures at each of our clinic locations in an effort to protect our patients from illness or infection. However, at this point in time, many additional infection control measures have been put into place. Below please find a list of some of these additional measures:
- All patients are being screened at the time of scheduling, at appointment reminders, and at the time of check-in for any high-risk travel activity or signs and symptoms of respiratory or other flu-like illness.
- Patients with risk-factors for COVID-19 or signs and symptoms of illness are being immediately rescheduled.
- Signage is present at each clinic entryway requesting that all patients with recent high-risk travel (including international and/or cruise-related travel), known exposure to COVID-19 AND/OR those currently ill are being directed to return home prior to entering our waiting area and to call to reschedule their appointments.
- All employees who have engaged in high-risk travel or who are experiencing signs and symptoms of illness are not allowed to return to work until a period of self-quarantine has been completed.
- Any patient with signs or symptoms of illness who attempts to check-in for an appointment is being immediately provided with a mask to wear while their appointment is being rescheduled.
- Any patient experiencing signs and symptoms of illness needing an emergency evaluation will be contacted by our staff and assessed for a possible telephonic appointment visit whenever possible. If a telephonic appointment visit is not possible, any patient experiencing an illness and needing emergency dermatologic care will be treated in an isolation room with staff members wearing all appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
- We are requesting that patients arrive to appointments without friends or family members whenever possible in order to limit the numbers of people in our clinics and better comply with the CDC’s social distancing recommendations.
- We are requesting that children under the age of 12 not accompany patients to our clinics at this time.
- We are eliminating all unnecessary visitors in our clinic areas such as pharmaceutical company representatives and outside vendors. All those who must visit will be screened prior to entry.
- All magazines, pamphlets, trial-sized samples and snacks have been removed from our offices and waiting areas.
- Pens in our office will be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day for patients needing to complete paperwork or sign consent forms.
- Exam rooms are thoroughly disinfected between each patient visit, and all employees have been provided with detailed, written cleaning protocols and requirements for our clinic facilities including waiting areas, exam rooms, staff workspaces, and restrooms.
- As always, we are using only EPA registered cleaners and disinfectants.
- All “high-touch” surfaces are cleaned numerous times throughout the day.
- Our clinicians and staff are refraining from shaking hands with patients.
- As always, CDC compliant hand hygiene is practiced by every member of our health care team.
- Hand sanitizer, tissues, and lined trash receptacles are in place in every waiting area and clinic room for use by our patients.
- Signage is in place throughout our clinics outlining CDC guidelines for proper hand hygiene, proper cough and sneeze etiquette as well as other measures to stop the spread of disease.
- We are providing every member of our staff with CDC generated written educational information about COVID-19 with frequent updates and new guidelines as they evolve.
We are fully prepared to evaluate and care for our patients at this time, and we are taking all possible precautions to protect our patients, their families, our staff and our communities. Thank you for your support and cooperation with these efforts as, together, we face this unprecedented public health challenge.