Anne Arundel Dermatology > Why Spending on Skincare Makes More Sense Than Dropping $$ On Makeup

Why Spending on Skincare Makes More Sense Than Dropping $$ On Makeup

October 28th, 2022
By Anne Arundel Dermatology

If you have found yourself in the makeup aisle wondering if you need to try every foundation on the shelf before you decide which will best mask your skin problem, maybe it’s time to take a step back. What if the issue you are trying to cover can be treated so that you might not need to hide behind the makeup? You might need to rethink your skincare budget and routine, and with a few tricks from the pros, your makeup dollars could be better spent! Besides, the heavy foundation to conceal our skin is out of style, with current trends leaning toward fresh-faced looks while embracing some imperfections. So how can you get that glowing natural look without using excessive makeup? It starts with identifying the underlying problem.

Sure, some skin issues can be effectively covered with makeup. Problems like rosacea, acne, and age spots might be good options for concealer, but eventually, when the makeup comes off, we all want to like what we see in the mirror. That’s why treating problems with the help of a dermatology professional is so important and can even be more cost-effective in the long run.

Take acne, for example. Many people suffer from scars and dark spots left from acne that could have been prevented with the right skin care treatments. A lifetime of covering scars with makeup could be avoided with preventative approaches. This might include retinoids, antibiotics, or dietary recommendations that can be discussed with your dermatologist. Sometimes, a dermatologist can prescribe isotretinoin to prevent scarring from more severe acne, which requires close monitoring. Even existing scars can be treated with the latest filler and laser technology in our field.

Some skin problems that big cosmetics companies target, like wrinkles, aren’t effectively covered with makeup, regardless of how much you spend. Makeup tends to settle into skin lines, often making them appear deeper than they are with no makeup. Some highlighters and shimmers also tend to refract light differently and might exaggerate uneven textures depending on the situation and location. Therefore, treating wrinkles with a professional skincare routine is best, rather than trying to cover them up with foundation and concealer.

Covering dark spots with makeup might be an option, but to get the dewy, youthful appearance most of us want, a more comprehensive skin care approach is the way to go. There are so many products to treat hyperpigmentation nowadays, but it is always best to get the help of a professional since dark spots can have several different causes. Some may be post-inflammatory, while others could be hormonal. It’s not always straightforward to determine the cause of pigmentary issues, and a dermatologist is best trained to help answer these questions. They can decide if an over-the-counter skin care product might work or if a more aggressive topical medication could be the answer. Dermatologists can prescribe antibiotics for skin problems when appropriate and even have newer medicines that can treat hormonal imbalances if that seems to be the underlying cause.

Inflammation can be a challenging condition to diagnose, even for doctors. Because we can spontaneously become sensitive to so many different chemicals and exposures, determining the cause of skin inflammation is best left to the professionals. If you are using cover-up for irritation, redness, rosacea, or dermatitis, it’s time to make an appointment!

The most effective skin care treatments are injectables and light or laser-based approaches. These treatments include fillers, botox, IPL (intense pulsed light), and others. More invasive methods using micro-needles and ablative lasers require some downtime following treatments but can be far more effective for remodeling skin than makeup could ever hope to be. What’s more, fractional lasers have been used for nearly 18 years and can provide rejuvenation for aging skin and other problems with little downtime.

Because each of us has unique skin problems and needs that develop over a lifetime, forming a long-term relationship with your dermatologist can be helpful. They can try different approaches until one works, keep photos and notes about skin history, and develop management plans that are safe and effective. When we go to the mall, the salon, or the spa for skin care, we may miss out on the details and expertise that can make all the difference in avoiding less-than-great skin later.

Next time you buy concealer to cover a pimple, an age spot, a rash, or a wrinkle, ask yourself if you would instead go out with less makeup. If so, we encourage you to visit our offices by scheduling a consultation.

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