Anne Arundel Dermatology > Botox® Is Not Just for Wrinkles

Botox® Is Not Just for Wrinkles

April 8th, 2021
Anne Arundel Dermatology

Women receiving Botox on upper lip for a lip flip

Are you looking into ways to reduce your facial wrinkles? In that case, you’ve probably heard of Botox®, a toxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that blocks nerve signals when injected into muscles and prevents them from contracting. It’s the perfect tool for anyone looking to correct the visible signs of aging.  

 That said, Botox has plenty of other uses, too. Let’s look at some of the cosmetic benefits of Botox and other ways to use this injectable that you may not have considered. 


Facial Wrinkles and Fine Lines 
One of the most common uses of Botox is to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It specifically is a wonderful treatment for what we call the crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines.  

There are many other types of dynamic facial wrinkles that occur with normal expression movements. When a dermatologist injects Botox into the specific muscles that make these movements, the result is smoother, younger-looking skin. 


Facial Lifting 
Botox has also been used to improve facial symmetry, neck laxity, lip lines, and nasal droop – causing a “lifting” effect. It’s common for people to develop neck laxity as they age. Botox can improve this redundancy when injected into the superficial muscles of the neck. This is commonly referred to as the Nefertiti lift and results in a jawline that looks well-defined and sleek. 

Botox can also lift the tip of the nose when a small amount is injected into the muscle located just below your nostrils. This approach is a wonderful way to correct a drooping nose. 

Finally, a lip flip is a quick way to enhance your best pout. Small amounts of Botox injected into the upper lip muscle can help your lip achieve a more plump and full appearance. 


Facial Slimming 
If you clench or grind your jaws at night, you could be doing more than just damaging your teeth. Repeated grinding motion can cause your lateral cheek muscles to enlarge. Often, this process occurs asymmetrically, causing one side of your face to look thicker than the other. Botox can create a slimmer and more symmetrical facial appearance by relaxing this unwanted cheek muscle tension.  


Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) 
Hyperhidrosis is an unpleasant condition where excessive amounts of sweat are produced in the palms, soles, and/or underarms. When Botox is injected into the nerves that provide signals to overactive sweat glands, it reduces the production of sweat for several months. We mainly use Botox in the underarm and palm areas as this is where hyperhidrosis is most troubling. 


Try Botox Today! 
Botox is an amazing injectable for a wide variety of aesthetic concerns – not just wrinkles. It is safe, predictable, and easy to perform with just a quick visit to the office.  Are you ready to give Botox a try? Schedule your appointment with one of our expert providers today! 

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